Friday, 22 March 2013


Inspired by a cousin's wonderful tribulations I have decided that I also shall tell of my rail travels. Let the eye of the beholder decide how the daily commute to Basingstoke compares with the more legendary trains of the far east...
Early in the morning my train arrives on time to take me to work.

Standing room only I'm afraid... The view inside the carriage is not the best.

And in the evening it's back to the station

Where I wait eagerly for the train back

The view is a huge improvement over the morning one: I get to stand by the window!

And as if the day could be even more exciting I see two peacocks on a roof on the way home


  1. awesome!!! can't wait to read your next post!
    tell us more about people's life over there, it looks fantastic!

  2. Very inspiring... Actually it did inspire me to write this post!

